Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend.
Red Dot Sights versus Scopes [LPVO]
Chris and John provide some perspective on which optic type is optimal for defensive use. I’ve gone to a LPVO on my work rifle and am glad I made the transition. If my primary potential environment of use for my carbine was indoors or defensing a reasonably sized suburban house/yard, a red dot would probably be a better choice.
While on the topic of optics, you may also be interested in MOA Vs. MRAD: What’s Best for You?
Knowing When To Draw Makes All The Difference
Many of my students fail to grasp the problem this scenario creates without exposure to regular force-on-force scenario training.
Guide to being mediocre
“A society made up of individuals who were all capable of original thought would probably be unendurable.”
– H. L. Mencken
A Novel Reduction Technique for Elbow Dislocations
Do you know how to reduce a dislocated elbow in the field?
CCW for non-sissys
My friends Marcus Wynne and Ralph Mroz share some tips for cold weather CCW.
Killing ISIS: In and Out of America’s Ugliest Shadow War
RYP explains how our terrorist elimination strategies have changed depending on the year and the country in which we were operating.
A Beginner’s Guide to Low-Light Optics
A night vision primer.
Cubicle Farming the Desk Jockeys
Thought provoking stuff here. Did you ever consider that the eight hour work day was contrived to limit your free time so that you will buy more stuff?
Why Your Super Reliable Carry Gun Suddenly Becomes a Jam-O-Matic
Check your ammunition if your normally reliable defensive handgun starts having malfunctions on the range,
Why I got Carry Insurance

A fine chart comparing all of the self defense “insurance” programs on the market. In my mind, the ACLDN makes the most sense. It’s the cheapest of all the compared plans, yet still covers most of the expenses of a criminal or civil trial following a defensive shooting.
Skull-Stomping Sacred Cows: Doctor’s Notes Don’t Apply
“If you can’t do a single full-body push-up, let alone 10, 20, 30, 40, etc, and you’re a grown-ass man, you are not “prepared” for a goddamned fist fight in the Wal-Mart parking lot, let alone a firefight in the Apocalypse.
Just do your fucking PT. Stop making excuses.”
Aaron brings up a good point about flashlights. Do you really think you will be chosen as a victim if you are walking around a dark parking lot at night using your flashlight to check out hidden areas? Not likely. The criminal will most likely think you are a cop and will move on to easier territory.
I once stopped an almost certain criminal attack on some friends when I was in Bolivia by just illuminating the attackers with my Surefire. They aborted their approach as soon as they were lit up.
Expired Drugs in the Remote Environment
I discuss the issue of using expired drugs in my System Collapse medical class. Here’s another study showing that expiration dates and storage temperatures aren’t as important as some folks believe.
How to Get and Use Fentanyl Testing Strips
While we are on the topic of drugs, you should already know that heroin isn’t very good for your health. That fact, however, doesn’t deter some people from using the drug. Some of those users might be your friends or loved ones. If you know a heroin user, make sure that they test their drugs for fentanyl. Test strips are linked in the above article. And on the same topic, did you know that 11% of Ohio’s tested COCAINE was tainted with fentanyl as well? Check your drugs if you don’t want to end up in the coroner’s body bag.
The Day I Had to Chose Between Fighting Evil… or Being a Cop.
This is a poignant piece of writing that will sadden all who read it. There aren’t many “wolves” in the police profession these days.
Realities and Legalities of Child Snatching
Melody writes an excellent three part series examining all of the issues involved with defending your child from an abduction attempt. This is the link to the final segment, but links to parts one and two are in the first paragraph.
Violence of Mind: Training and Preparation for Extreme Violence
What I’m reading…
The author has a very unique perspective on self defense after having served prison time on a manslaughter charge after stabbing a man who attacked him. His vivid description of the mindset and personality of hardened criminals is one that you won’t find in most other texts.
Kinesthetic Shooting – Killing a False God
A really deep dive into the topic of point shooting.
Why do we pack wounds?
A quick wound packing refresher for those of you who have attended my medical class.
“Hemorrhage control is about pressure, not absorption.”
Muzzle Brakes and Supressors
A survey of the top 170 precision rifle competitors in the country and the gear they use. You may also like the same website’s look at the most popular rifle bi-pods among the same population.
5 Things You Didn’t Know About Glock
A few facts you new shooters might not know about Glock.
This Is The Most Powerful Way To Make Your Life Fantastic
Yes, I realize the irony of sharing this article on the internet.
You’ll live a better life after reading this piece no matter where you found it.
How ‘Red Flag Laws’ Will Disproportionately Hurt The Poor
Some information that may help bolster your arguments with the anti-gunners.
Weaponlights: Do They Belong on a CCW Gun?
I agree with Tamara here. I have a WML (SureFire X-300 with DG Switch) on my duty pistol and my home defense pistol. I don’t generally feel the need to carry a light on my CCW gun.
A New Generation of Prigs, Prudes, and Squares
Fascinating information about how personality, goals, and risk tolerance change within different generations. This newer research supports the theories suggested in the book The Fourth Turning.
Pajama Boy Redux: The Male in Modern Society
Some more commentary of about the modern generation of men by legendary strength coach Mark Rippetoe.
“A tan, abs, hideously expensive yoga pants, coffee made by other people, a meticulously trimmed beard, the politically-correct demeanor – all are affectations designed to improve your stock with other people. They lack intrinsic value, since any value they impart to you is assigned externally. People who depend on value assigned to them by others are obviously in a perpetually vulnerable position. They are fragile, in more than a physical sense.
Our man doesn’t care about any of that, because he is concerned with rational analysis, and the consequences of his actions for himself and his family. He remains unaffected by irrelevant cultural and social influences. He is independent of fad and fashion. He understands the accumulated effects of the pursuit of the male role in human society, the costs and benefits of having done so, and the relationship of physical strength to the male archetype. Strength is his infrastructure and engineering. Strength is the ability to act, and its physical acquisition teaches the process throughout a man’s existence.
So, our man trains for strength. You should too.”
Tuckable Holsters: Options for Wearing a Gun under Tucked-in Shirts
I know some people who use these successfully, but I’ve never really liked tuckable holsters. With my build and the guns I carry, I just haven’t been able to pull them off well. When I carry concealed, I don’t want strange bulges of clips showing. I have found that the “J-Hook” style of belt attachment is the least visible of the fastening methods.
Skills Check: The 5-5-5 Drill
I would guess that 90% of gun owners cannot successfully complete this simple shooting drill.
Welcome to the Gun Curious
Professor Yamane has started a new blog designed for non-gunowners who are curious about firearms. This might be a great educational tool for some of your friends, neighbors, and family members who aren’t as into guns as you are.
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