Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend.
Short Barreled Rifles vs Pistol Braces
A high quality analysis of the issues involved with having a short barreled “pistol” with a stabilizing brace. I think these are exceptionally handy. When I’m driving out of state, I like to take a long gun with me. Carrying a .223 “pistol” with a brace allows me to pack what is essentially a long gun legally on my concealed carry license.
Find Your Speed – The Three Keys
Michal Seeklander discusses some ways to enhance your shooting speed.
How to purify water: 14 methods for homes and outdoors
Critical survival information.
How to Actually Survive an Armed Robbery
A lot of very useful information about how robbery victims are selected, how the crime happens, and possible responses a victim can select.
AR-15 Training and Practice Drills
Some good drills for the beginning AR-15 shooter.
Doom scrolling
“Being informed is a virtue. It helps us make better decisions and encourages us to take action.
Getting hooked on an endless scroll of media inputs is not the same as being informed. There’s long been a business model of urgent news (“man bites dog!”), but now it’s been leveraged, amplified and optimized to suck people in for hours at a time. And division is much easier to sell than progress.
If it’s not helping you take action to make things better, what’s it for?”
Warning Shots Are A Terrible Idea
I feel like this issue shouldn’t need to be discussed, but apparently it does.
“What do you do if your intimidation tool doesn’t work?”
Self-Defense Myths That Just Won’t Die: 11 Experts Weigh-In
Melody interviews me and 10 other trainers about what we would like to change in the defensive firearms training industry. You’ll also want to check out her interview on Ballistic Radio covering the same topics. Short Barrel Shepherd also wrote an article discussing the same point that I mentioned in Melody’s piece.
Near Dark: A Thriller
What I’m reading…
I don’t read that much fiction, but I really enjoy Mr. Thor’s character Scott Harvath and the adventures he cooks up.
Seeing students vigorously reholster (going caveman) during my classes is one of my biggest pet peeves. Holster slowly and reluctantly. If you feel any resistance at all, stop and investigate.
Folkscanomy: A Library of Books
Those of you who like books may want to use caution going down this rabbit hole. On this site there are thousands of books that have been scanned and uploaded by random people. Lots of the books that you can no longer find are available for a free download in whatever digital format you desire. My readers will especially like the Self Defense and Prepper and Survivalist Books collections. Many of those unavailable Paladin Press titles are easily downloaded there.
H/T to Bayou Renaissance Man for finding this amazing resource.
My Favorite Books: Drugs Edition
Speaking of books, I especially liked this article full of drug-related book recommendations from Justin. I’m thankful that he is willing to share his curiosity about illegal drugs with “normal” readers who do not use or understand how some of these chemicals work. I have read every book on Justin’s list and heartily recommend those books as well. There are a few others I would recommend as well.
Dreamland: The True Tale of America’s Opiate Epidemic
In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction
Never Enough: The Neuroscience and Experience of Addiction
When Plants Dream: Ayahuasca, Amazonian Shamanism and the Global Psychedelic Renaissance
Drink?: The New Science of Alcohol and Your Health
Novices Teaching Neophytes
“Institutional Indifference” is a cancer in the police world as well
Friday Fundamentals – Performance Standards
The Tactical Professor details reasonable performance standards for the average gun owner. Give these drills a try and see how you do.
How to Clean AR-15 Magazines: A Quick and Easy Guide
An often overlooked task that may help your AR-15 run more reliably. You may also like the article Getting the Most out of your Magazines.
Project: Setting Triggers for Your Checklist Tasks
Many of you likely have the survival check lists Paul recommends here, but have you identified which triggering events would cause you to start following the checklist? Any of you preparedness-minded readers would enjoy Paul’s book Pivot Points.
Counterfeit LAW Tactical Folding Stock Adapters – Q&A with LAW Tactical
LAW folding stock adapters are in serious demand as so many people are running AR-15 “pistols.” Be careful what you buy. There are lots of counterfeits out there. Here’s how to identify the good ones.
Love Is Medicine for Fear
“One way of dealing with these fears is to strive to eliminate the threats that caused them. But while social and economic progress is important and possible, there will always be threats to face and things to fear. The way to combat fear within ourselves is with its opposite emotion—which is not calmness, or even courage. It’s love.”
I think this is a critical concept, especially for firearms and combatives instructors. Many of our students come to us because they are fearful. As the quote above says, there will always be threats. We cannot eliminate those from our students’ lives. Maybe a better option is to embrace the advice in the article as we teach students to be more confident and fear less.
Was Wild West Gun Control Stricter Than Today’s?
A historical perspective on gun control.
If you like history, read more about the “Old West Pistol Qualification” in the August edition of the Rangemaster Newsletter.
Travel Armor Gun Cases: A Product Review
I bought this case and have used it for my last two commercial flights. I’m very happy with it.
The Back-Up Gun: 3 Reasons To Carry One
The logic behind carrying a second pistol.
I Looked Up Every Case Of An Unarmed Black Man Shot By Cops In 2019. Here’s The Truth The Media And BLM Are Hiding.
Some statistics that may surprise you.
Fighting Leather: The Cross Draw
A comprehensive look at the history and development of the crossdraw holster. For additional information about the tactical disadvantages of this type of carry method, check out this article.
Selco: “Here Are Some of the WORST Pieces of Prepping Advice I’ve Heard”
Selco’s latest book is an excellent read as well.
Security in an era of Violence
I really shouldn’t have to say it, but large groups of untrained people carrying guns are dangerous. I don’t care if those large groups are militia folks, black militant organizations, white idiot open carry protests, or groups of “professionals” like the National Guard or police.
Members of any of these groups may not have malicious intent, but their lack of training can cause lots of problems. Read the article for examples.
Nothing good can happen at these events. Stay home.
For more riot survival information, read What if a Riot Comes Down My Street? and Increasing Your Readiness When Driving Near Protests.
Speed vs. Accuracy in the Revolutionary War

PepperBall VKS Launcher, Powerful Non-Lethal Self Defense for Home, Business, Training
As far as I know, these weapons weren’t previously offered for sale outside of law enforcement agencies. I got trained as an instructor on them when they first came out. I think they are generally an under-utilized crowd dispersal tool.
Some of you are looking for less lethal options if rioters invade your neighborhood. I think these would be better options than OC or CS grenades.
Here’s the secret. Pepperball rounds will function in any .68 paintball guns. Other paintball guns may not be quite as reliable as this one, but you can buy pepperball rounds on Amazon and run them in your paintball gun for a cheap substitute. A bulk pack of PAVA rounds (slightly less potent than OC, but still quite effective) is also available.
If the launcher linked above is a little too pricey and you don’t trust paintball guns, another option is to purchase one of PepperBall’s smaller launching mechanisms like the LifeLite Personal Defense Launcher or the Tactical Compact Pistol (TCP).
What’s Next for the Urban Insurgencies
“Six strengths and weaknesses that determine the potential for a successful counterinsurgency campaign.”
The Frugalite
My friend and fellow blogger Daisy Luther has just launched a new website about frugal living. I think a lot of you will enjoy the content she provides.
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