Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend.
Can Exercise Simulate a Gunfight?
I think it’s very important to train when you are physically stressed by exercise. With that said, heart rate increases from exercise are extremely different from heart rate increases caused by a fear-based adrenal dump. Training under both conditions is valuable.
Carrying with an Empty Chamber
Is it ever a good idea?
Tourniquets 101: How to Apply a Tourniquet Effectively
I think everyone over the age of 10 should be able to recognize the indications for tourniquet use and be able to rapidly apply one. Here’s a quick tutorial if you’ve never contemplated the skill set. For more information, read my articles Field Medicine for Terrorist Attacks and my Tourniquet Research Compendium.
Snap Caps 101
A primer (pun intended) on the topic for those of you who have never used snap caps.
More Lessons Learned From Houston, Texas.
Analyzing a couple of robberies. It’s important to study how these attacks work so you can best avoid them.
“Try” versus “Do”
The language we use when we talk to ourselves is extremely important. Read Mike Seeklander’s advice and put it into practice.
Have you forgotten how difficult it was to find affordable ammunition just a few years ago? Don’t get complacent. We are heading into another “ammo drought.” I’ve been warning you to stock up for several months now. I predict that ammo prices now are the cheapest they will ever be moving forward. Buy it cheap and stack it deep. After the 2012 ammo shortage, I vowed that I would never again be caught without a massive stockpile of ammunition. I’m not exaggerating. Having a LIFETIME supply of practice ammunition should be a goal you are pursuing.
While we are talking ammo, see Uncle Zo’s thoughts about What Your Annual Ammo Usage Says About You, as well as this excellent interview with industry insider Pete Brownell.
Roundup: Modern Shot Timers
If you are a serious student of the art of applied violence, you need a shot timer. No exceptions. I don’t need the Bluetooth capabilities and fancy features that many of the timers the author discusses, so I use the tried and true Competition Electronics Pocket Pro.
Minnehaha Falling: A Memoir of the 2020 Minneapolis Riots
What I’m reading…
P&S ModCast 399 – Dispelling Gun Myths: Women’s Edition
While I really love the information shared in the P&S ModCasts, I regularly find myself passing them over because they are often over three hours in length. This one is a long one as well. Take a chance. It was a phenomenal discussion.
Draw and Don’t Shoot: An Overlooked Skill
In your training sessions, do you fire your gun every time you draw? You may want to re-think that practice.
The positives and negatives about being a gun monogamist.
Carry Pistol Choice And Jury Perception
Have you considered this issue when selecting your self defense firearms?
Martial Marksman Drill #2: The Modified Jason Drill
A shooting drill for you to try the next time you get to the range. Instead of tracing all those rectangles onto a blank piece of paper, it might be easier just to buy 3″X 5″ adhesive shipping labels on Amazon.
Need more shooting drills? Try Four Aces (shot either dry of live fire) and Shotgun Drills For Home Defense.
Hobbyist Horse
It’s probably important to recognize that if you are reading a web page like mine on a regular basis, you aren’t the “average” gun owner.
The Pharmacy Around Us
A very informative three-part article about how to use the common medicinal plants that grow around us. Make sure you read Part Two and Part Three as well.
On the same topic, please check out the Survival Sullivan article on the medicinal properties of Yarrow. It’s one of my favorite medicinal plants.
I Didn’t Think It Was Possible
Malfunctions happen far more often in real life than they do at the shooting range. You must be able to clear them reflexively. A few smart instructors weigh in on the issue at the link above. You will learn malfunction clearance the best from a good instructor. If you can’t do that, you might consider an online training class like Master Malfunction Prevention and Clearance for When It Matters Most.
Big Bear Gunslingers and Jeff Cooper Newspaper Articles
I really appreciate Karl’s effort in chronicling the historical aspects of our art before they are long forgotten. You may also like Gun Advice from the 1930’s Pulps.
Taurus 856 Upgrades
The Revolver Guy gives his 856 a “glow up.”
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