Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend.
Evidence of Glock Carbine: Patents and Proofs
This is a good sign, but I won’t be holding my breath. I took my first Glock armorer school in 1997. The instructor told us that Glock would have a carbine out within a year. Still waiting.
The M1 Carbine Revisited
You don’t see much writing about the venerable M1 carbine any more. I thank Lucky Gunner for attempting to resurrect this classic. I think the M1 carbine is a great “pool gun” for any family member who is small, short, or feeble and who can’t hold up an AR-15. Almost anyone 10 years old and up can become very proficient with the little .30 carbine.
Federal’s Flite Control vs. Hornady’s Versa-Tite
The Federal Flight Control round is my preferred choice for 12 gunge shotgun defensive ammunition. The Hornady version opens up a little quicker but it makes for much tighter patterns than all of the other buckshot loads on the market. If you can’t get the Federal, I would have no problems relying on the Hornady loads for personal protection. As always, pattern the loads in your own individual guns before you rely on them in a defensive capacity.
All About Corrosive Ammunition
A primer on corrosive ammunition and how to shoot it safely.
The answer to this question is an unequivocal “yes.”
Emotional Components of Knife Defense, Part 1
A detailed look at why some folks fear being stabbed more than being shot. It’s a very common, but scientifically baseless fear.
A medical study of criminal assaults taking place between 1960 and 1999 found that firearms attacks have a 5.4% lethality rate. Knife attacks have a 1.1% lethality rate.
Part Two of the series contains useful info as well.
Can You Run Your Rifle with One Hand?
Too few people consider that they may have to operate a long gun with only one hand. If you are not practiced in these skill sets and you are closer than 25 meters, it might be better to transition to your pistol instead.
Many police officers spurn coronavirus vaccines as departments hold off on mandates
What do you think about the low vaccination rates by working police officers? Cops are excellent bullshit detectors and have spend their entire careers in an environment run by selfish, lying, corrupt administrators and elected officials. They’ve learned to be extremely skeptical about what big government recommends. That should give you an alternate perspective to consider.
Laser Eye Protection: Protecting Your Eyes from the Emerging Domestic Laser Threat
For my police readers who want to avoid going blind while policing the next riot. One more article for my law enforcement readers: Leveraging Tactical Training as a Leadership Advantage.
Five Rules To Help You Win A Gunfight!
Good advice here.
Lessons for the Ladies

Shooting advice for the ladies written by a female Gunsite Instructor.
Gun Culture 3.0? I Don’t Think So (Not Yet)
Dr. Yamane is the leading academic scholar studying gun culture in the United States. His work is incredibly informative and interesting.
He also just published his first gun culture book Concealed Carry Revolution: Expanding The Right to Bear Arms in America. Pick it up. I have a copy on the way and will report back when I’ve completed it.
You can get signed copies HERE as well.
Preventing School Shootings: Observe…Investigate…Intercede
Identifying some pre-attack indicators of a planned school shooting.
You should also check out the same site’s article covering Avoidance: A Key Self Defense Tactic.
4 Plants to Leave the Heck Alone
These are good plants to be able to identify. Stay away from them and teach your kids to do the same. The datura mentioned here is an especially potent hallucinogen (if you eat the seeds) but is harmless to touch. It’s called “toe” (tow-Ay) in South America. Nefarious brujo (witch) shamans down there add it to their ayahuasca mixtures to induce more potent visual hallucinations. It’s bad news. Don’t consume it.
Houston Robbers Have A Clever Ruse
Have you considered that the verbal altercation someone is baiting you into might just be a ruse for a robbery attempt? I agree with John here. OC spray. Early and often.
Fentanyl levels (and overdose death) remain high in Ohio in 2021
Wonder why overdose deaths are increasing at an alarming rate? This article explains the reason. Spend three minutes and learn How to Use Narcan.
The Drop Dead Gun
Have you ever trained to recover a dropped weapon? Hock has some good advice here.
William Aprill’s Unthinkable Presentation
We lost my friend William Aprill far too soon. The guys at the Practically Tactical Podcast dug up this previously unpublished videos of one of William’s lectures. I taught with William a lot over the years and I personally sat through this presentation more than a dozen times. I learned something new in every class. If you never got the chance to attend one of William’s classes, here’s your chance to see a bit of his material.
Recapture the Rapture: Rethinking God, Sex, and Death in a World That’s Lost Its Mind
What I’m reading…
Jamie Wheal shares very unconventional ideas. I’ve enjoyed his earlier writings.
“In Recapture the Rapture, we’re taking radical research out of the extremes and applying it to the mainstream–to the broader social problem of healing, believing, and belonging. It’s providing answers to the questions we face: how to replace blind faith with direct experience, how to move from broken to whole, and how to cure isolation with connection. Said even more plainly, it shows us how to revitalize our bodies, boost our creativity, rekindle our relationships, and answer once and for all the questions of why we are here and what do we do now?”
3X3X3 – Level One
Claude shares a great shooting drill to assess baseline proficiency if one is a beginning shooter. His standards are both practical and reasonable. I urge you to give his drills a try. For you more skilled shooters, try these drills from a concealed holster draw or one handed. If you can hit Claude’s smallest target with all of your rounds in the time limit using only one hand, I’d ay you have reached an acceptable level of proficiency to carry a gun in public. I would guess that only a very small percentage of CCW carriers can pass these standards.
For another set of shooting drills while ammo is still difficult to cheaply acquire, try How to Maximize Your Training During the Ammo Shortage.
Stop Bike Theft: 6 Keys to Keeping Your Bike From Getting Stolen
The weather is getting nicer and some of you are breaking out your bikes to get a little exercise. Here are some tips to keep your bike out of the hands of thieves.
Rainy day funds and how much cash to have on hand
An excellent discussion of why you need an emergency fund and some cash stashed in a secure location inside your house or apartment.
Keys Between the Fingers – On Her Own
Ladies, if you think punching someone with keys protruding from your fist is a viable self protection technique, please watch this video from my friend Annette.
Some of the above links (from and others) are affiliate links. As an Amazon associate I earn a small percentage of the sale price from qualifying purchases.
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