Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend.
Rimfire Ammo: Evaluating Terminal Performance
Interesting ballistic testing of rimfire ammunition.
Can a Flare Gun Be Used for Self-Defense?
If you are serious about using a flare gun for self defense, I would recommend some of the Eastern European metal flare guns and a cartridge adapter available for them. It’s only a single shot pistol, but it’s better than nothing. Use it to trade your way up to a better gun.
Choosing a Safe Holster
A three-minute video that should be mandatory for anyone who carries a firearm. You may also find Finding the Optimal Carry Position for Concealment as well.
Russian Ammo Ban Hurts Gun Owners, Not Vladimir Putin
Quoted in Reason Magazine. Does this mean I’ve made it to the big time?
The M1 Garand: History & Disassembly
For my readers who are Garand owners.
One Handed Thumb Placement (Suck Less Saturday)
One handed shooting tips.
Dan Brokos Gives TFB Some Quick Tips for Improving Your Pistol Game
Dan Brokos provides us with some tips to shoot our pistols better.
Head Buttin Time! How to Head-butt A Bad Guy Real Good
Some tips about using head butts effectively. The best advice I ever got about headbutts came from Jujitsu legend Relson Gracie at a ground fighting seminar I was attending. Relson is known for teaching headbutts for self defense. Relson’s advice was “When you head butt somebody, you are the devil. You must hit him with the place on your head where your devil horns come out.” That’s a strong part of the skull and tends to hurt a little less than hitting the guy with your forehead.
The Rules of Surviving a Black Market Economy
This is an important concept to understand. I’ve been to literal black markets in Kenya, Zimbabwe, Paraguay, and Argentina. They are coming to the USA soon.
Beginner’s Guide to Pistol Ammo
High quality information here.
Every Day Carry Training
Mickey slaughters some sacred cows here.
How to break up a fight in 3 seconds
A slick trick to break apart grounded fighters using leverage rather than strength. Cops, bouncers, teachers, and anyone else who has to break up fights should all check this one out. And for another example of how knowing just a bit of Jujitsu or grappling can help in a fight, watch BJJ Student Saves a Cop!
5 Favorite Pocket Pistols
Michael’s thoughts on pocket pistols. I think they are valuable. You should also listen to his podcast on the topic as well.
SHTF Armorer: Magazine Maintenance – Part 1
Lots of people think about gun maintenance, but fewer people understand that magazines need some preventative maintenance as well. Read Part 2 as well.
On the Link Between Great Thinking and Obsessive Walking
Since my retirement, I’ve made it a goal to walk outdoors for an average of at least 30 minutes a day in addition to my regular weightlifting/cardio training.
I like tracking it as a weekly average. I try to walk daily, but some days it may only be 10 minutes. If I walk an hour the next day, I can keep the average over 30 minutes. It allows the flexibility for a busy schedule or bad weather.
I think the walking has helped both my physical and mental health.
Why outside? Read Time spent in outdoor light is associated with mood, sleep, and circadian rhythm-related outcomes.
How To Be An Expert: 8 Proven Secrets To Superior Skill
Quality research to help you gain more expertise in any enterprise.
The Expert Witness and Trial Strategy
Massad Ayoonb gives good advice for those of you who want to be expert witnesses. The article is hosted by the Armed Citizens’ Legal Defense Network. I’m a member of the ACLDN and I believe it is a valuable program for anyone who carries a gun.
Sharpshooting North & South: The Genesis Of Sniping
Very cool article about the weapons and standards used by Civil War era snipers. One requirement was 10 consecutive shots into a five inch circle at 200 yards from standing position. That’s pretty good shooting!
Off Duty Officer Launches An Effective Counter-Ambush
One of the least considered advantages to appendix carry.
S&W 3RD GEN DAO’S | Autos For Revolver Guys
My first duty gun was a 3rd generation Smith. I have a nostalgic fondness for those kind of guns.
CONCEALED CARRY VS. COVERT CARRY: Changing The Language Surrounding Defensive Handguns
I think this is a useful distinction.
Surviving Ammogeddon: Low-Round-Count Training
Steve Tarani talks about some training options to replace live fire in the ammunition drought.
“I don’t disagree that power stroking is a very positive method, but my big question is, if one will not have the fine motor skills to utilize the slide release under stress, how can one be expected to be able to press the trigger to make an accurate shot while under stress?”
Concealed Carry Corner: Vehicle Carry Mistakes To Avoid
The rules are quite simple. Your car is not a holster. Carry your gun on your person. Don’t leave it unsecured on one of these magnet mounts or in a car console or glove compartment.
Hock Hochhiem Seminar 11/13/10 The Grab Drill

Hock explains how to use your Hubud drill in a weapon-based environment or how to transition to a grappling based attack from the initial response.
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