Written by: Greg Ellifritz I’ve written a lot recently about the history of firearms instruction. That topic has only existed for about the last 100 years. Formal weapons training most certainly existed earlier, but it was pre-Civil War and reserved for the luxury class. Between the end of the US Civil War […]
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Posts tagged "gunfights"

As the full-time training officer and firearms instructor for my police department, I often have the opportunity to attend firearms training sessions from some of the best trainers in the world. I have noticed that most of these trainers teach students to shoot their firearms while moving, with the premise being that a student […]
Do You Carry a Backup Gun?

Written by Greg Ellifritz I’ve had a busier than normal month in my cop job resulting in numerous trips to take prisoners to the county jail. If you don’t know, not even cops can carry their guns inside a secure holding facility. It is the ultimate “gun free zone.” Since cops are outnumbered by […]
The Extreme Close Range Shooting Problem

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Tactics and trends change often in the firearms training community. Some of these changes are positive. Some amount to little more than a trainer’s attempt to differentiate himself from others in a competitive market by doing something new and different. The “flavor of the month” trainers are constantly trying to “improve” […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- June 28, 2013

Here are a few links to articles and videos I found interesting this week. Some are intellectual. Some are informative. Some are just fun. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. Start Living a Warrior Lifestyle “I also believe even with more conviction that if your career revolves […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- October 26, 2012

Here are a few links to articles and videos I found interesting this week and want to share. Some are intellectual. Some are informative. Some are just fun. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. The Hi-Point Challenge: Completed! A very brave man decided to put […]