Written by: Greg Ellifritz “The bad guy can lure you to an isolated place. This is almost infinitely varied. Anything from offering a cheap, unlicensed cab to telling you that there is a beautiful shrine just down the alley that isn’t on the tourist maps. It’s hard to pass up. I have learned an incredible […]
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News and Tactical Advice
Another Downside To Flying With Guns

I’ve written extensively about the issue of air travel with guns. I encountered a problem last weekend that I hadn’t seen before. If you fly with guns frequently enough, you will notice that you can’t check in online or through your airline’s app for the return flight of your round trip if you checked […]
Let’s Talk About Verbal Commands

I was listening to the Concealed Carry Podcast recently and their episode Phrases and Commands You Should Rehearse and Memorize got me thinking. The description frames the issue under consideration well. “Jacob and Bryan get together to talk through the importance of having a handful of key phrase or commands that you consider […]
Testing .22 Caliber Defensive Ammunition

Knowing that I like data and enjoy shooting .22 pistols more than most, my friend Bob Cutajar sent me the results of his recent intensive study of a huge number of .22 rounds, charting velocity, consistency, and energy of each projectile. Bob graciously allowed me to share this useful data with all of you. […]
Recognizing the Sound of Gunfire

Written by: Greg Ellifritz With all the recent active shooter/active killer events happening worldwide, I’m continuing to see reports of the exact same phenomenon….people don’t recognize the sounds of gunfire when they are being shot at. In almost every mass shooting, victims report that they heard a loud noise, but thought it was some […]
I Got Shot in the Head

I’m obviously typing this article, so I apparently survived. I have a hard head and a tiny brain. There wasn’t much damage. Let me tell you what happened. I was teaching at Andy Stanford’s Surgical Speed Shooting Summit in Camden, Tennessee last Sunday. We were on an outdoor range. I had just finished […]
Uvalde Updates

Three weeks ago, I wrote an article covering my analysis of the Uvalde school shooting. Since then, we’ve learned some more facts about what happened that day. If anything, these facts indicate that the police response was even more dismal than I originally reported. Here are some updated news links and my thoughts about what […]
Playing Dead?

Written by Greg Ellifritz At least one of the students in last week’s Uvalde school shooting survived by playing dead and covering herself with blood from her now deceased friend in the classroom. Read about it here: Texas school shooting survivor smeared blood on herself, played dead: parents “When an 11-year-old student […]
Active Killer Math

* This is a guest post from my friend Ed Monk. Ed has done the math on this problem and is one of the world’s leading authorities on active killers. The faster we can stop the killer, the fewer bodies we will have. Read his post below for the exact mathematical details. Having armed security […]
More on Vehicle Run Down Tactics

All the recent active killer incidents are distracting folks from another threat…vehicle run down attacks. Despite the lack of media coverage, these have not gone away. Here’s an example of one I recently saw in my social media news feed. Man arrested after intentionally trying to run over people with SUV in East […]
Stay Mobile

*This is guest article from Steve Tarani and The Gun Mag Warehouse. The second knife fighting course I ever took as a student was taught by Steve more than 20 years ago. He is a tremendously gifted instructor with a unique perspective. I think you will enjoy the piece below. – Greg In the […]
Maybe You Should Reconsider Your Active Killer Response Strategy

Just a short post today to share a few of my most recent thoughts on how best to respond if you are caught up in an active killer attack. The Washington DC sniper attack last week got me thinking quite a bit about things. If you haven’t seen news about the attack, read the […]
The NYC Subway Active Shooter Attack

I’ve written about the phenomenon of active killer attacks for more than two decades. One of the most important themes I’ve identified is the fact that active killers want a large body count and are willing to constantly alter or change their tactics in order to achieve that goal. Yesterday’s mass shooting on a […]
Raise Your Learning Curve

*This is guest article from Steve Tarani and The Gun Mag warehouse. The second knife fighting course I ever took as a student was taught by Steve more than 20 years ago. He is a tremendously gifted instructor with a unique perspective. I think you will enjoy the piece below. – Greg Whether […]

*This is a guest article about open carry of long guns during civil disturbances from my friend Steve Moses. I think Steve shares some very valuable advice. Check out Steve’s classes at Palisade Training Group. – Greg I wrote a previously published article titled The Truck Gun Concept (also Known as the Good, the […]
How Not To Get Killed at the Airport

Written by Greg Ellifritz Since the publication of my travel safety book Choose Adventure, I’ve received lots of questions about how to stay safe in an airport when traveling. Many of my readers normally carry weapons that are prohibited by airport security. Without their guns, knives, and pepper spray, folks are looking for alternate […]
Nightmare TSA Experience

A couple years ago, I wrote an article called Flying With Guns. In it, I described the conflicting advice the TSA provides with regard to locking gun cases when traveling by air. “Also, a strict interpretation of the law seems to mandate that the lock on your gun case must NOT be TSA-accessible. In […]
Ambush Prevention Strategies for Patrol Officers

Written by: Greg Ellifritz While I primarily wrote this article for police patrol officers, it has a lot of relevance for everyday citizens as well. If you ever find yourself sitting in a car in a public place, you can utilize these strategies to reduce the chance of robberies or car jackings. -Greg According […]
Final Report on the 2019 Dayton Active Killer Attack

The FBI recently released its final report on the 2019 Dayton active killer attack. You can read the report in full at the link below. Investigative Report on the August 04, 2019 Attack in Dayton, Ohio The report is only two pages. Read it in full. Here’s what stuck out the most to […]
Too Much Situational Awareness?

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Have you ever considered that you may be practicing too much situational awareness? I was out on a date a few weeks ago. We were eating at a local restaurant. She knew that I am a retired cop. During dinner she said: “I’m really kind of surprised. You […]