Written by Greg Ellifritz It’s like clockwork. At least once a week, I open my email and see some version of the following question: “I’m worried about (your choice: crime, the declining economy, right wing politicians, mutant zombies, societal collapse, left wing politicians, etc) and want to buy a gun. I don’t have […]
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Posts tagged "rifle"
Weekend Knowledge Dump-January 12, 2018

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Seriously, You—OK, We—Need To Stop Watching The News This Year One of the best resolutions you can make…stop watching television news. I got rid of my television more than six years ago and have […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- September 9, 2016

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. 29 Lessons From The Greatest Strategic Minds Who Ever Lived, Fought, Or Led “…strategic wisdom is not something you’re born with. It is developed, both with experience and with education. I’m not saying you have […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- February 13, 2015

Links to some of the best information on the web. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. Mindset & The Determined Adversary: An LE Training Perspective For my cop friends… “The past history of CONUS active shooter events has typically ended with the shooter committing suicide upon the arrival […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- January 2, 2015

Links to some of the best reading on the web. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. Western Psychiatric: Stopping An Active Shooter If you are interested in active shooter situations, you’ll want to check out this Ballistic Radio podcast. In it. John Johnston interviews a police officer who […]
The MOAT Group Carbine Standards

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Here’s a very difficult drill for all you rifle shooters out there. This one is from the MOAT Group. I don’t know anything about their training, but this is a great drill! It is also very humbling. The drill is explained on the printable target itself. Looking at the target, you […]
New OPOTC Rifle Qualification Course

Written by: Greg Ellifritz The Ohio Peace Officer’s Training Academy revised the statewide police rifle qualification course of fire last week. Like several other recent revisions, it was a step in the wrong direction. Rather than make the rifle qualification more challenging or more relevant, they dumbed it down. Slower time constraints, no […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- March 8, 2013

Here are a few links to articles and videos I found interesting this week and want to share. Some are intellectual. Some are informative. Some are just fun. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. Why We Are the Even Weaker Sex “We’re scared of injury, […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- November 9, 2012

Here are a few links to articles and videos I found interesting this week and want to share. Some are intellectual. Some are informative. Some are just fun. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. Medical Prepping in Three Months A structured list of supplies […]
Gear Review- SureFire’s 60 round AR-15 Magazine

Written by Greg Ellifritz I recently purchased one of SureFire’s 60-round AR-15 magazines. SureFire made some big waves when they announced them last year. There have been other companies that have designed higher capacity AR-15 magazines, but most aren’t very reliable. SureFire promised to change that. I waited until the inevitable bugs […]