Yesterday’s Shawn Ryan Intelligence brief discussed the threat of terrorists and criminals wearing uniforms to better facilitate their attacks. I’ve written about this issue for more than a decade. It’s probably time to update my thoughts on the topic. Most recently, we saw terrorists wearing uniforms during the October 2023 Hamas terrorist attack in […]
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Posts tagged "bombings"
Field Medicine for Terrorist Attacks- Bleeding Control and Chest Injuries

While I recommend that everyone should take a basic first aid and CPR class, that standard Red Cross class won’t be enough when it comes to mass casualties, bomb injuries, and gunshot wounds. With ever increasing rates of active killer events and terrorist attacks, the average citizen needs to start thinking more about battlefield […]
Don’t Evacuate into a Parking Lot

Written by Greg Ellifritz I regularly teach a class that covered the skills an armed citizen needs to respond to a terrorist bombing attack. In the class, I spend a lot of time talking about the concept of the “secondary device.” The secondary device is some hazard that is designed to injure or kill […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- September 20, 2019

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Phone Store Employee Smokes Armed Robber There are a lot of very valuable lessons to be learned from this shooting. I probably wouldn’t have kept shooting as long as our victim here. With that […]
The Utah School Bombing

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Let’s talk about bombs for a minute… This week, a Utah high school student was arrested after he attempted to detonate a large backpack bomb in his school. Luckily, the bomb malfunctioned and the school was evacuated before anyone was hurt. Those of you who have taken my […]
SBS Reviews a Recent Class

Written by: Greg Ellifritz The Short Barrel Shepherd released his 3 x3 video review of the class I taught at Rangemaster last week. The class was titled “Armed Citizen Response to Terrorist Bombing Incidents.” It was a two hour lecture that covered information about how terrorist and suicide bombers operate, what their bombs look […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- January 27, 2017

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Small Of The Back Carry: Easy Concealment Or Injury Waiting To Happen? Carrying your gun in the small of your back is almost always a mistake. In addition to the points mentioned in the […]
Deconstructing Some Recent Terrorist Bombings

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Last week I read a couple of insightful news articles about recent terrorist bombings and active killer plots. They are worthy of study. Having the terrorists’ “playbook” before they bring the game here is a valuable asset. The first article describes a series of bombings in Thailand. What is […]
Istanbul Airport Terrorist Attack

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Last week, three ISIS terrorists conducted simultaneous attacks on the unsecured areas of Istanbul’s international airport. They entered the airport armed with AK rifles and suicide bomb vests. They split up, went to separate areas of the airport and began shooting and blowing up their bombs. A total of […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- May 27, 2016

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. This Is How To Be Persuasive: 7 New Secrets From Hostage Negotiation Some very useful information about becoming more persuasive. A Practice Video – A Robbery In A Mall Food Court Here […]
The Six Best Resources for Surviving a Terrorist Attack

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Since the multi-pronged terrorist attack on Paris last Friday, lots of experts have written articles about how to survive such an event. Some are great. Others are worthless. I’ve been reading everything I can find about the attacks. I’m planning a thorough article debriefing the entire event for next […]
The Bangkok Bombing

Written by Greg Ellifritz In case you missed the news, on Monday evening a bomb was detonated in a popular tourist area in Bangkok, Thailand. On one of my trips there, I stayed in the neighborhood where the bombing occurred. You may not care about what happens in a country thousands of miles […]
Suicide Bombers Dressed as Police

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Take a quick look at this news article about the violent attacks that occurred in Iraq on Monday. In one day more than 50 people were killed in several coordinated attacks spread all across the country. The attacks were all similar and all the attackers wore police or military uniforms. […]
The Somalia Hotel Bombing

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Did you read about the terrorist bombing/shooting in Somalia January 1st? If not, check out the two articles below for a quick recap: Fatal Attacks Strike a Hotel in Somalia Al-Shabaab claims responsibility for deadly hotel bombing Al-Shabaab is the fastest growing terrorist group in the world. It is […]
Lessons Learned from the Volgograd Suicide Bombings

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Earlier this week, the Russian city of Volgograd suffered two separate bombings, both linked to Islamist extremist groups. The first bombing occurred in the city train station, killing at least 16 people and injuring 40 more. Watch the video below from to see the effects of the blast from […]
Terrorist Bomber Tactics- 5 Lessons Learned from Pakistan

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I find it very instructive to pay attention to the tactics that suicide/homicide bombers use in other countries. Those tactics eventually get exported to places like the USA after they’ve been perfected by the terrorist bombers. The most recent large attack occurred in Pakistan. Bombers placed a large […]
Oregon School Bomb Attack Thwarted

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Please take a look at the stories below. Another school attack was thwarted because an alert person had the courage to report this wannabe killer. One of the killer’s fellow students called 911 after the suspect asked the student to videotape the explosions. Oregon teen school bomb […]
Boston Bombing

Written by Greg Ellifritz Yesterday, at least two bombs exploded near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. At least three other secondary devices were located in the area before detonation. At last check, three people have died and more than 100 were injured. In July of 2011, I wrote an article called […]
Terrorists Targeting Tourists

Written by Greg Ellifritz A recent terrorist plot was foiled by Indonesian authorities. The terrorists were planning on bombing areas where tourists would be congregating. For more information check out the link below: Indonesia foils terror plot on tourist spots I find it instructive to research the methods that the terrorist groups […]